News - 2013
As this is the first news post for me and Mainstation Music Inc. there is a lot to cover, but I'll just say that 2013 was an interesting year with many very cool projects, lots of travel and I was able to contribute to a lot of great music.
Christian Castro and his band La Esfinge was how I spent the summer of 2013 in Los Angeles working at the legendary Sunset Sound Factory.
Made what I think is a great record with Chiodos in the fall at both Dreamland and Applehead studios in the Woodstock area of upstate NY.
Finished off the year in Atlanta with new Progressive Rock band The Sixxis, who were fresh off their European tour with the Winery Dogs.
2014 is shaping up to be a really positive year. Finished off mixing my project with The Sixxis over Christmas and spent a week in St Tropez France writing with Looking Looking. A short trip to the great cultural city of Montreal to do some more writing with ERA 9. Lots of new projects on the horizon, so more news, possibly posted from airports, to come soon.